Niska Best Photoshoot

Thank you so much Niska for a wonderful photo shoot. A gem to work with girl..... Big props to Himal Reece for finding you and awesome work by MUA Sherry Ann Moore (SAM). Thank you Lisa and Joaquim for helping us out as well.

Himal found this wonderful location that worked really well for this shoot.


Rachael Todd Photoshoot

A little while ago I got an opportunity to photograph a very friendly up and coming model Rachael Todd. She was such a joy to shoot, so very engaging. These shots were taken using two (2) Westcott TD-6 lights setup left and right of camera position. I took all these shots using my 70 - 200mm lens racked out at 200mm for most of the shots.

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Practice Shoot with Alicia

Thanks to Alicia Phillips and Brian Elcock I was able to have an awesome practice shoot on my day off. The only way to better your game is to practice, practice, practice. So on Thursday Brian Elcock and I had our lovely model in my studio for a practice photo shoot.We spent about 2 hours and tried various different techniques. We truly had a blast.

Veira Family Shoot

It’s such a joy to be able to have the opportunity to create photo shoots that are well received by the subjects. Always helps to have such fun loving people as well to photograph it makes the task at hand so much easier. When you look through the lens at this family you can actually feel the ‘love’. It was awesome. I truly enjoyed this photo shoot and will cherish it forever. Such memorable moments.


Aidan & Arin Photoshoot

Here's a photo shoot I did with these awesome kids. I actually did this shoot quite a while ago and it's definitely time for a new shoot with them. These kids are the result of my very dear friends and I truly believe that connection helped. It's photo shoots like this that make taking up my camera so worth while. Unfortunately they can't all go this well, however it certainly helps to try.